About Us
International Trade Line
International Trade Line for domestic and foreign Trade industries LTD (ITL) established in Turkey with branches in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, China, England, Sudan, USA and Qatar.
Our Story
ITL the largest international organization of e-marketing and e-Commerce professionals.
ITL projects include governments, private companies, professionals and International audiences and customers involved with the e-commerce arena.
ITL provides e-commerce projects, tourism, real estate, marketing resources, services, research, certifications, educational programs and events for the marketing community. The ITL works with a number of organizations, companies and governments on issues related to e-Commerce, multi-channel marketing and legislative issues.
Our Mission
Those who believe that internet marketing and online commerce play a vital role in creating chances for creativity and independence for many. We have developed a system that can provide a clear atmosphere for collecting all available sources and information to make the ITL one of the leading solutions for internet marketing and ecommerce in general.
Our mission is only accomplished when we succeed and continue our efforts to reach more success in the field of dominating, teaching and making use of internet tools for a better future.